Busch Stadium

St. Louis, MO
Busch Stadium, also referred to as “New Busch Stadium,” is the home of the St. Louis Cardinals. Opened in April 2006, it replaces Busch Memorial Stadium and occupies a portion of that stadium’s former footprint.

To achieve the look desired by the design team, ICP created cornice panels made with smooth colored concrete and a 1 1/2” stepped soldier coursing brick below it. The panels consisted of two different mixes. The smooth cornice top was one mix and the brick jointing below it had another mix design. Because the design team wanted a red mottled look to the cornice pieces that topped off the brick panels around the entire project, a variety of different cornice molds were needed: straight, concave, and convex along with straight and mitered ends.

Additionally, three entrance areas had radius panels with arches which surrounded the columns. Two U-shaped column covers were erected to form a rectangle with brick on all four sides. These column covers extended up 36’ 8” and the radius arched panels sat on top of the column covers. The outside radius panels had a 76’ 2” concave radius and the inside panel had a 71’ 8” convex radius. Both the ourside and inside radius arched panels had brick returns so that when they were assembled, the steel was completely surrounded with brick precast. Since the arches were on a radius, the arch on the inside had a smaller radius than the arch on the outside.


828 Precast Pieces (207,996 square feet)

Pieces were finished in brick with acid etch.


Architect: HOK
EOR: David Mason and Associates